Colton Haynes Frames Trevor Donovan’s Physique

Colton Haynes Frames Trevor Donovan’s Physique

In a recent photo shoot orchestrated by his friend Colton Haynes, actor Trevor Donovan, best recognized for his prominent role in The CW’s 90210 series, showcased his physique, including a number of images featuring him without a shirt.

In divulging details about the photo session, Trevor conveyed on Twitter that he experienced enjoyment during the collaborative photography session with his friend Colton. He noted Colton’s impressive proficiency behind the camera, emphasizing the capture of numerous outstanding shots. Trevor expressed his intention to share a curated selection of these images, aiming to spare his audience from an overwhelming display of his face all at once. He underscored the essence of Colton’s enchantment in the creative process, portraying himself as a mere participant on this photographic journey.

The images that Trevor chose to disclose, along with several unreleased photos, provide a glimpse into the collaboration between the two actors. Colton Haynes, primarily known for his acting contributions to Teen Wolf and his authorship of “Miss Memory Lane,” has now ventured into photography, expanding his diverse skill set. Trevor Donovan acknowledged Colton’s artistic prowess, attributing the success of the shoot to Colton’s magic, emphasizing his own role as a companion along for the ride. Trevor Donovan’s career trajectory includes his breakthrough role in 90210, followed by appearances in numerous Hallmark Channel movies, and more recently, his involvement in film projects for GAC Family.

Colton Haynes Frames Trevor Donovan’s PhysiqueColton Haynes Frames Trevor Donovan’s PhysiqueColton Haynes Frames Trevor Donovan’s PhysiqueColton Haynes Frames Trevor Donovan’s PhysiqueColton Haynes Frames Trevor Donovan’s PhysiqueColton Haynes Frames Trevor Donovan’s PhysiqueColton Haynes Frames Trevor Donovan’s PhysiqueColton Haynes Frames Trevor Donovan’s PhysiqueColton Haynes Frames Trevor Donovan’s PhysiqueColton Haynes Frames Trevor Donovan’s PhysiqueColton Haynes Frames Trevor Donovan’s PhysiqueColton Haynes Frames Trevor Donovan’s PhysiqueColton Haynes Frames Trevor Donovan’s PhysiqueColton Haynes Frames Trevor Donovan’s PhysiqueColton Haynes Frames Trevor Donovan’s Physique